Some would certainly say I must be. They view insurance sales people like a plague that needs to be eradicated. When you tell the people you meet you sell insurance you can literally see them shutter and scurry to get away from you as fast as possible as though you really do carry a disease. How are you supposed to increase sales when most people want to avoid you?
You're very familiar with this reaction, however, if you will allow me I would like you to imagine a completely different scenario. Before I share this envisioned scenario with you I'd like to forewarn you there are some important lessons for you to learn that will help you to increase your sales. Are you ready?
I'd like to take you out 90 days from today. In as little as 90 days a typical day for you is invigorating and highly productive. As you awaken and prepare for the day ahead you eagerly jump out of bed with a smile on your face excited about the appointments you have lined up with people you know are almost certain to buy today. You have a skip in your step as you walk to your dream car to drive to your first appointment.
As you meet with your prospects they warmly greet you and they're excited to tell you about themselves and what they really want. As you listen intently you immediately understand exactly how you can help them, however, you help them to discover how your solution is exactly right for them rather than telling them. They're intent on getting what you have now. Neither you nor your prospect feel like anyone has been "sold" anything. You will both feel like you've helped them to get the best solution possible for them.
On each subsequent appointment throughout the day your experience is nearly identical. At the end of your day you feel tremendous pride knowing that you helped a number of people get exactly what they want and need. As the day closes you know you've earned the rich rewards you've received this day for the care and service you provide. Tomorrow and all foreseeable days in your future you can expect more of the same. You have the financial wherewithal to live the life you want to live earned from acting on behalf of your clients as a trusted advisor.
As you read that story didn't you want to increase sales and live that life? Aren't you highly motivated to get and have exactly what that life provides? Wouldn't you eagerly whip out your check book and write the check to obtain that exact outcome because you know the value of that life is greater than the amount you'd be asked?
Now here's the lesson for you to learn from that story. Notice how I used word pictures when I shared that envisioned future with you. For example, when I used the word car your mind didn't see the letters c-a-r in your mind you pictured your dream car. Also notice how the picture I painted for you was in the present tense. Plus that picture demonstrated the exact outcomes you want and the exact actions you want your prospects to take. Together all these things produce an emotional response within you that provides the motivation to take action and to take that action now. Isn't that exactly what you want your prospects to do?
Yes, now you can discover the "7 Secrets Top Producers Know that You Can Put to Use in the Next 9 Days"
Turn yourself into a Top Producing Sale Genie
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